Monday, November 5, 2012

Want to be on camera?

One of the thing that comes up  every once in a while with bloggers is this idea of being an expert in their field and talking to the media about their specific topic of expertise. I often see people on T.V or hear them on the radio and just cringe. There is something to be said for a little bit of media training or coaching. I think there are  a few things to keep in mind before you open your mouth to speak.

1. K.I.S.S: Keep It Simple Stupid.
*don't get too complicated.
*remember you need to talk to a wider audience that might not know anything about you, your product or service.
* if you keep it conversational then you will ensure you are telling your story in a way everyone will understand

2. Slow Down:
*this is something that seems easy but can actually be very difficult to do when the camera or microphone is right in your face.
*many people have a tendency to speed up when the talk to the media, so pace yourself.
*prepare for your media spot by jotting down a few key points on some cue cards you can review before you get on set and that way you will have a guideline for the discussion in your mind. This step will help you pace yourself and keep the nerves at a minimum because you KNOW what you want to say.

3: Think Before You Speak:
*those cue cards will help you here too! Think about what you are going to say, often times people ramble when they are in the spot light. If you just take a second or two to think before you answer a question you are more likely to say what you want to say.
*Be prepared.

4: Be Yourself:
*this is the best way to come across as a genuine expert.

5: Relax:
*don't get too stressed out ( O.K. easier said than done sometimes)
*enjoy the spot light.
*you are in the chair because the person interviewing you ( or the show)  feels that you have something valuable to say so go with it!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tweet With News In MIND!

 So the story below is clear example of why it is really important for your people, especially the people who tweet for you, to pay attention to the news. There are often stories in the news that could impact how, when and why you tweet a particular link, story or comment. Keep those things in mind when you are tweeting to your community.

President's Choice apologizes for 'insensitive' hurricane Sandy tweet
    TORONTO - President's Choice has apologized for an ``insensitive'' tweet about hurricane Sandy that has left many Canadians with a bad taste.
    The private label of Loblaw (TSX:L), posted Tuesday: ``What's scarier? Hurricane #Sandy or a beverage with marshmallow eyeballs?''
    It linked to a recipe for ``marshmallow bloodshot eyeballs,'' which suggests cutting marshmallows in half and putting a grape or blueberry in the middle to make it look like an eyeball.
    The account was flooded with replies criticizing the tweet as ``awful'' and ``tasteless'' for making light of a storm that killed more than 100 people, including a woman in Toronto.
    Millions of people remain without power and transit in the U.S. and in Canada the storm at its height left more than 200,000 customers in the dark.
    President's Choice tweeted again about an hour later to say it was sorry.
    (The Canadian Press)

Sometimes it is just better to wait. Or sometimes it is better just to abandoned the tweet all together.  Make sure you are talking to your team about keeping in tune with current affairs, news and events happening around the world.

What do you think? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

ShesConnected 2012 Panel Presentation

As promised .... the ShesConnected Presentation.

I want to say thanks to the lovely ladies who joined me to talk about how to write great posts! @SarahKelsey, Nadine Anglin @nsharona  and Mara Shapiro @ChickyMara I think it was a great collaboration. I also want to say thanks to Mara Shapiro aka @ChickyMara ... for being my new friend and for posting the presentation on slideshare!

There is nothing better than sharing ideas and that is what I love about conferences like ShesConnected 2012. Can't wait to share more tips, tricks and tools about writing and the media.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Guardian - a great video

"This advert for the Guardian's open journalism, screened for the first time on 29 February 2012, imagines how we might cover the story of the Three Little Pigs in print and online. Follow the story from the paper's front page headline, through a social media discussion and finally to an unexpected conclusion."

Monday, September 10, 2012

PR Pitches - Just My Thoughts

I have been reading a lot of tweets and blog posts recently about PR Pitches and how to deal with the good, bad and the ugly. I have had many, many years of experience dealing with PR pitches, not necessarily with products but with story and expert pitches.

I find it interesting how some decide to deal with the bad and the ugly. There are many who lash out online, tweeting up a firestorm about how offended they are about a certain PR pitch. To be honest I think that is as unprofessional as the bad PR pitch. Neither is productive, effective or professional. PR types need to know who they are pitching, why they are pitching to them and what both sides should get out of the relationship. Blogger types need to remember it is business and they should act that way; be professional, be clear and direct about who you are, what you do and what kind of professional relationship you expect.  Lashing out in any way benefits no one, especially not you!

I think it is important to remember you never know when a great story or product will come along. Sometimes those opportunities come to you hidden, a gem buried under a pile of crap. The pro looks past the imperfections to see the jewel hidden underneath.

One rule I ALWAYS use in my career is never burn bridges, and that applies to PR peeps as well as work peeps. You never know what will come in the future and when someone will have a great gig for you, or a great product or service, or when that person moves on to a great PR agency, or company.

Be professional and that will come back to you two fold!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Teaching The Next Generation

Today was the first day of class for me. I am once again teaching a college class with two other instructors. We are teaching online news publication.

I love the opportunity to teach the next generation about the ever changing business of news. The landscape of broadcasting is changing fast. New journalists need to have many skills, they really need to be jack of all trades. Online is more important than ever before with so many broadcasters using the online presence to reach more views, listeners and readers.